Over half a billion tenge will be spent on projects for tourism development in Kazakhstan

Over half a billion tenge will be spent on projects for tourism development in Kazakhstan

The flow of foreign tourists over the past six months has grown by almost 40%in Kazakhstan. The natural attractions and national parks of the country visited hundreds of thousands of guests from distant and near abroad. The state is interested in further development of the industry and is ready to support entrepreneurs. They have compensated 480 million tenge. This is a compensation for transport and infrastructure costs.

Snow and mountain peaks in the East are really amazing, which is confirmed by guests from Germany. Today they choose not Swiss Alps nearby, but conquer the slopes of East Kazakhstan, go for thousands of kilometers. Last year statistics are impressive. However, most guests from abroad did not arrive from Europe.

Vyacheslav Vetlugin, correspondent:

- The beauties of Kazakhstan are increasingly attracting foreign tourists. And this is a fact. Our attractions visited more than 350 thousand Russians, 75 thousand guests from the PRC, as well as tens of thousands of representatives of Turkey and the USA, and, by the way, contrary to natural cataclysms in the mountains of East Kazakhstan, snowy and comfortable for ski sports.

Six months of the East Kazakhstan winter, local tourist businessmen intend to use to the maximum. Four ski resorts of the region will accept more than 100 thousand visitors. Only systemic problems of the industry can disrupt plans. For example, a lack of specialists in the region.

Alexander Chilikin, entrepreneur:

- The dynamics are amazing. In recent years, we have been developing at 50% per year - this is a very cool dynamics. But the problem is this: people must be prepared for skiing. We call the waiters from Shymkent, this is our situation, our people can not cope.

In order for people to cope and tourist facilities are working steadily, the state covers part of the costs of the tourist business. From the state budget, entrepreneurs are returned 25% to the purchase of special equipment for mountain resorts, and up to 10% of investment in roadside service and hotel facilities. And since January, besides, a tourist fee and an additional tax for foreigners have been canceled. This will be a significant help, the owner of the hotel business is sure of Rustam Adamov. Refusing the so -called Bed Tax is a very timely measure. Since the industry has not yet moved away from the consequences of the pandemic, and the country's tourist potential has not been realized even by a third.

Rustam Adamov, entrepreneur:

- Tourist fee - I understand this in Paris, in Venice is introduced. This measure is mostly restrictive in order to reduce the burden on the city tourist infrastructure, not to replenish the budget, we did not overload the industry, the infrastructure on the contrary was underloaded.

Local authorities are ready to take into account the infrastructure gaps of the regional tourist business. Conduct a total inventory and draw up projects of power supply to resorts and the construction of roads to them.

Marat Kabakov, Deputy Head of the Entrepreneurship Department and IIR VKO:

- At the moment, a project office for the development of tourism has been created, in particular, the development of the Glubokovsky district will be. Simply put, the state will focus on the construction of infrastructure facilities.

They will not skimp in this regard. Only for projects to attract foreign tourists and promoting the tourist image of the republic this year will spend more than half a billion tenge this year.

Author: Vyacheslav Vetlugin, Dmitry Pykhtin.



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